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The basics of the Texas legal alcohol limit for driving


Is it legal to consume any alcohol in Texas and then drive afterward? Surprisingly, Texas law indicates yes. You are able to legally drive a vehicle in Texas as long as your blood alcohol level has not exceeded 0.08%. 

Do blood alcohol levels change according to my age? How can I avoid driving with a high alcohol level? Read below for answers to these questions regarding the Texas legal alcohol limit and more. 

What is the Texas legal alcohol limit for driving?  

For people in Texas, there are some very specific laws when it comes to drinking and driving. For example, the Implied Consent Law in Texas is relevant to everyone. The implied consent law states that you must agree to a blood alcohol test when pulled over if the officer suspects that you have been drinking. If you are over 21 years of age, there are three things to know when it comes to alcohol limits when driving: 

  • For regular drivers, 0.08% is the legal alcohol limit. 
  • If you hold a commercial driver’s license, 0.04% is the alcohol limit. This rule applies whether you are driving your work or personal vehicle. 
  • If caught with a blood alcohol level of 0.15% or above, you can receive a Class A misdemeanor conviction. Typically, for blood alcohol levels between 0.08% and 0.15% the offense is a Class B misdemeanor. 

What is the legal alcohol limit for driving if you are under 21?  

If you are under 21 years of age, the laws are quite different. Since it is against the law for anyone under age 21 to drink alcohol in Texas, it is against the law to drive with any amount of alcohol in your blood. It is possible that authorities will charge you with driving under the influence or driving under the influence of alcohol whether you have had “too much” to drink or not. 

How do you avoid driving with a high blood alcohol content?  

Follow the tips below to avoid driving with a high level of alcohol in your blood: 

  • Choose a designated driver before going out. 
  • Save a taxi number in your phone or download Uber. Make sure your credit card number is in your phone beforehand so you are not fumbling after a few drinks. 
  • Charge your phone fully before going out. 
  • Drink plenty of water before, during and after going out. 

It is best to have a plan before you go out for the night so you are not stuck in a bind in the early morning hours. 
